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Post archive for ‘Company Reports’

Northwest Biotherapeutics: CEO Linda Powers’ In-depth Company Overview at the Annual Meeting

Glossary of Key Acronyms Used in this Report MHRA    Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency is the United Kingdom regulatory counterpart to FDA. The two agencies have a close, collegial working relationship. Approval of DCVax-L by MHRA would carry great weight in the FDA’s decision making. MAA  Marketing Authorization Application is the document that […]

Denial of the Motion to Dismiss in Northwest Biotherapeutics Lawsuit Against Seven Wall Street Market Makers for Spoofing Would be a Major Catalyst for the Company

Key Points: I believe that the lawsuit will be allowed to go to discovery before or around mid-year. This will allow access to the trading records and computer algorithms used by market makers to spoof NWBO’s stock. This information will dramatically illustrate that Northwest has been the subject of a decade long stock manipulation scheme […]

Highly Probable UK Approval of DCVax-L in 3Q, 2024 Would Be a Crowning Achievement for Northwest Biotherapeutics

Key Points: On December 21, 2023, NWBO announced that it had submitted its MAA seeking regulatory approval for DCVax-L in the UK. The Company requested that MHRA review DCVax-L using the accelerated pathway and, in this report, I go over the reasons why I think the MHRA will do so. (The section in this report […]

Northwest Biotherapeutics: CEO Linda Powers’ Brilliant Manufacturing Strategy Has Created Enormous Shareholder Value

Acronyms Used in This Report MHRA    Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency is the United Kingdom regulatory counterpart to FDA. The two agencies have a close, collegial working relationship. Approval of DCVax-L by MHRA would carry great weight in the FDA’s decision making GMP   Good Manufacturing Practice is a system required by regulatory […]

Why I Believe Northwest Biotherapeutics Has Been and Continues to be the Subject of a Powerful Stock Manipulation Scheme

DCVax-L Impressive Phase 3 Results Are Validated by Independent, Expert Scientists and Physicians; Supports Strong Upward Stock Move The final results of the phase 3 trial of DCVax-L were first released on May 10 at the New York Academy of Sciences conference. They were extremely encouraging showing that glioblastoma (GBM) patients treated with DCVax-L plus […]

Explanation of How Adam Feuerstein Has Egregiously Misrepresented the Results of the Phase 3 Trial of DCVax-L

Executive Summary I have tried to make this report as short and readable as possible so that in many cases I provide links to a previous article I have written or other pertinent data, rather than recreating the information in this report. So, you will find lots of links. The intent is to give the […]

Northwest Biotherapeutics’ Day Has Come at Last

I’m Back Earlier this year I decided to end subscriptions to Researching and writing articles on biotechnology companies required a significant amount of time and effort that detracted from other things that I wanted to do. I am very curious by nature and get genuinely excited when learning new things. My interests include biology, […]

Presentation of DCVax-L Results from ASCO by Dr. Keyoumers Ashkan

Here is the link to a video from ASCO in which Dr. Keyoumers Ashkan summarized the results of the phase 3 trial of DCVax-L in newly diagnosed and recurrent glioblastoma. He is the clinical lead for neuro-oncology at King’s College Hospital in the UK.and heads the Neuroscience Clinical Trial Unit.  Dr. Ashkan is one of […]

Northwest Biotherapeutics: Adam Feuerstein Investigates Adam Feuerstein’s Understanding of Dendritic Cell Vaccines

Introduction Let me ask you a question? If Adam Feuerstein is trying to convince you that DCVax-L has no chance of being effective in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), wouldn’t you expect him to have a good understanding of the biological basis for the product, its mechanism of action and how it is manufactured (especially the case […]

Adam Feuerstein Is Facing a Firestorm of Criticism for His Misrepresentation of Results in the Phase 3 Study of DCVax-L in Glioblastoma Multiforme; A Practicing GBM Physician Chastises Him

F-stein Challenges Members of the Oncology Community Who Treat Glioblastoma Multiforme Adam Feuerstein has thrown down the gauntlet in alleging that over 40 practicing oncologists who participated in the phase 3 trial of DCVax-L have misrepresented the findings. The results of the phase 3 trial were presented at the New York Academy of Science on […]