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Archive for June, 2016

Cytokinetics: Phase 2 Trial of CK-2127107 in COPD Begins (CYTK, $9.37, Buy)

Overview of COPD Cytokinetics announced today that it is beginning a phase 2 trial of CK-2127107 in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The trial is being conducted by CYTK’s partner Astellas. COPD usually is caused by long time smoking and has two main forms: (1) chronic bronchitis, which is characterized by a long-term cough with […]

Antares Pharmaceuticals: Teva Launches AB Generic to Imitrex (ATRS, Buy, $1.06)

Teva announced today the launch of its AB rated generic to Imitex (sumatriptan). Remember that Antares books revenues from Teva with a one quarter lag so there should be no revenues reflected from the launch in the 2Q, 2016 report from Antares. Teva will include this product in its bundling agreements for generics with pharmacies […]

AMAG Pharmaceuticals: Initiation of Research on a Complex but Potentially Very Interesting Investment Situation (AMAG, Neutral, $24)

Organization of Report The first five pages of this report (section 1) provide a quick summary of my view of AMAG’s business outlook and how this leads to my investment thesis. It does not go into great depth as it is intended to give an impression so that you can decide whether you want to […]

Northwest Biotherapeutics: Going Over My Thoughts (NWBO, $0.62)

Overview The naming of five distinguished scientists with extensive knowledge and expertise in immune-oncology to Northwest’s scientific advisory board is the first of what I hope will be a number of steps that Northwest will take to fight back against a massive short selling attack on the Company. This has destroyed the stock price and […]

Relypsa: Company Releases Veltassa Launch Metrics for May (RLYP, $18.14, Buy)

Investment Thesis Veltassa continues its slow but steady launch. The May results were in line with my projections and I think they were also generally in line with those of the Street. In the first year of a launch the new reality is that managed care sets up significant reimbursement hurdles. We are seeing this […]

Antares Pharmaceuticals: Highlights on Makena from AMAG Pharmaceuticals Analyst Day (ATRS, $1.14, Buy)

Report Overview Antares and AMAG Pharmaceuticals are jointly developing a new subcutaneous formulation of AMAG’s key drug Makena which is currently administered as a deep and painful intra-muscular injection. I recently did a detailed report on the medical profile of Makena and concluded that most (all) of Makena’s sales- estimated at $310 to $340 million […]