Tag archive for ‘TSPT’
SmithOnStocks Opines on Stocks May 19, Edition
One Approach for Investing in Emerging Biotechnology Stocks I write on biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies of all sizes, but I have spent much of the last year focusing on small biotechnology companies ranging in size from as low as $50 million in market capialization.to about $400 million. There is much less analyst and investor attention […]
Transcept: Throwing in the Towel on Intermezzo (TSPT, $3.56)
Intermezzo was launched by Transcept’s marketing partner Purdue in April 2012. I believed then and now that it is a highly effective product and fills a unique niche for middle of the night insomnia. Sales in 2012 were disappointing, but Purdue stepped up in major way to relaunch the product late last year with a […]
Transcept to Resubmit Intermezzo NDA; Hopes for a Class I Review
Resubmission of Intermezzo NDA Transcept Pharmaceuticals in a press release today (September 15) said that it plans to resubmit its NDA on Intermezzo following a meeting with the FDA. The key parts of the resubmission are: Transcept proposes to reduce the recommended Intermezzo dose for women from 3.5 mg to 1.75 mg, and to keep […]