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Tag archive for ‘Omecamtiv’

Cytokinetics: Phase 2 Trial of CK-2127107 in COPD Begins (CYTK, $9.37, Buy)

Overview of COPD Cytokinetics announced today that it is beginning a phase 2 trial of CK-2127107 in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The trial is being conducted by CYTK’s partner Astellas. COPD usually is caused by long time smoking and has two main forms: (1) chronic bronchitis, which is characterized by a long-term cough with […]

Cytokinetics: Update and Reiteration of My Buy Recommendation (CYTK, $5.54, Buy)

Investment Thesis in Brief By the end of 2015, Cytokinetics (CYTK) will have tirasemtiv in a phase 3 trial in ALS and might also have omecamtiv in a phase 3 trial in heart failure. There is no financing overhang as the Company has $118 million of cash which can last for over 20 months. This […]

Cytokinetics: Updates on Tirasemtiv and Omecamtiv (CYTK, Buy, $7.77)

Investment Overview I have listened to management presentations at recent brokerage conferences and have then followed up with questions. There are two important, potentially stock moving events that I see for 2015. The most important information from a data standpoint will be the phase 2b results of the COSMIC-HF trial of the oral dosage form […]

Cytokinetics: Key Catalysts for 2015 Strongly Support My Buy Recommendation (CYTK, $7.85)

Catalysts for 2015 During the conference call on February 12, 2015 discussing 4Q, 2014 results Cytokinetics discussed key catalysts for 2015 which are as follows: A phase 3 trial of tirasemtiv in patients with ALS will start in 2Q, 2015 Cytokinetics expects enrollment of patients in the expansion phase of COSMIC-HF to conclude in this […]

Cytokinetics (CYTK, Buy $5.52) New Collaboration with Astellas on CK-2127107 Greatly Improves Investment Outlook

This deal adds a third leg to the development pipeline at Cytokinetics along with omecamtiv for congestive heart failure and tirasemtiv for ALS. My Buy recommendation has been based on the possibility that tirasemtiv will begin a phase 3 in ALS in 2015. Investors had written this product off after a phase 2b disappointment. This […]