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Tag archive for ‘NSI-566 neural stem cells in ALS’

Neuralstem: An Update on Its Pipeline and Supporting Clinical Trials (CUR, Neutral, $1.00)

Purpose of this Report Neuralstem has been silent for nearly three months on when the critical phase 2b trial of its NSI-566 neural stem cells in ALS might begin and on providing details of the trial design. This silence may about to be broken as the Company has just announced that it will be presenting […]

Notes from Neuralstem Presentation at Biotech Showcase Conference, January 13, 2015 (CUR, Buy, $3.09)

Richard Gar, CEO of Neuralstem (CUR), made a presentation at Biotech Showcase Conference in San Francisco on January 13, 2015. So far, everything seems to be trending positively in the trials. The Company is roughly on schedule with its clinical trials that are currently ongoing in four different disease states. The NSI-566 neural stem cells […]