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Tag archive for ‘Auriclosene’

NovaBay: Phase II Topline Results for Auriclosene in UCBE are Very Encouraging (NBY, $1.52)

Investment Overview I first recommended NovaBay (NBY) as a small company that fit my asymmetric investment strategy in an initiation report on October 30, 2012 at a price of $1.32. The basis of my recommendation was that in 2013 the company would be reporting phase II b data on trials of its lead drug auriclosene […]

NovaBay: Data from Phase II Trial of Auriclosene in Urinary Catheter Blockage and Encrustation is Imminent (NBY, $1.40)

Company Overview and Purpose of the Report NovaBay (NBY) will be reporting the results of three Phase II clinical trials involving its first in class “non-antibiotic”, anti-microbial agent auriclosene (NVC-422) over the next three quarters. The mechanism of action and previously conducted phase I and II trials indicate that it has broad spectrum activity against […]